DHAKA, May 26, 2024 (BSS) - The parliamentary standing committee on the Ministry of Food today informed that no rice was imported in the 2023–24 fiscal, as the country
fulfilled its demand through locally-produced rice.
“No rice was imported in the 2023–24 fiscal year, as demand has been fulfilled through locally-produced food grains," according to a press release today.
The information was revealed during a meeting of the parliamentary standing committee on food of the 12th Jatiya Sangsad held at the Jatiya Sangsad Bhaban with committee Chairman Shahjahan Khan, MP, in the chair.
However, the country has imported wheat through the necessary processes, as importance has been given to quality control of the imported food grains.
The JS body has also recommended ensuring special vigilance on the marketing process in order to ensure food safety, according to the release.
Committee members: Food Minister Sadhan Chandra Majumder, M Makbul Hossen, M Mostafa Alam, Abul Kalam Mohammad Ahsanul Huq Chowdhury, SM Kamal Hossen, Khan Muhammad Saifullah Al Mehedi, and Dropodi Devi Agarwal, among others, attended the meeting.
The committee also discussed in detail the undertaking of awareness programmes to curb food waste.
“A plan has also been taken to discourage wastage of foods through the Bangladesh Food Safety Authority, the release said, adding, “Recommendations have been made to
undertake an awareness programme to curb food wastage at different social programmes such as hotel-restaurants, weddings, and picnic parties through incorporating
different mass media in the process.”
The committee has also congratulated the respective ministry, as it has already taken the initiative to form a task force comprising representatives from different ministries, including the Food Ministry, aiming to prevent all the food-related irregularities and corruption.
The meeting was also attended by the food secretary, directors from the food department, heads of different organisations and agencies, and relevant parliament
secretariat officials.
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