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Minister of Commerce emphasised that the rice export strategy and market diversification 2024–2030 will be important tools for the Royal Government

13 March 2024

Minister of Commerce Mrs. Cham Nimul presided over the opening ceremony of the National Workshop on “Formulation Process of Cambodia’s Milled Rice Market Expansion and Diversification Strategy,” held at the Phnom Penh Hotel this morning.

On that occasion, the Minister mentioned the benefits to be gained from the strategy to expand and diversify the Cambodian rice market, emphasising that the rice export strategy and market diversification 2024–2030 will be an important tool for the Royal Government, especially the Ministry of Commerce, which is the staff to diversify the market and increase rice exports through production based on the market and the global market system.

The Minister continued that this strategy is in line with the main priorities, as reflected in the first phase of the Pentagon Strategy, which is the National Strategic Development Plan and other national policies of the Royal Government of Cambodia, as well as the Sustainable Development Goals of Cambodia and the United Nations by 2030 as well.

In addition, this important strategy aims to boost rice exports from Cambodia to competitive international markets and to reach maximum levels based on current production systems and opportunities.

In order to make Cambodia’s rice sector more successful, Nimul provided two key recommendations for the workshop and all stakeholders to discuss in depth, including:

1. Protection of trademarks and intellectual property, especially collective brand building

2. Strengthening the quality of Cambodian rice by taking into account the quantity, quality, safety, and aesthetics of the packaging.

The Minister encouraged all participants and stakeholders to make efforts to study, understand, and discuss in depth the process of developing strategies to expand and diversify the Cambodian rice market to promote Cambodia’s rice sector to grow more sustainably. AKP

Source : khmertimeskh
