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Kribi Port contradicts Ocean SDO over Chinese rice quality

04 December 2023

Kribi Port Authorities contradict SDO of Ocean

The Port Authority of Kribi (PAK) has contradicted the Senior Divisional Officer of Ocean, Nouhou Bello, concerning a potentially poisonous brand of rice imported from China.

The SDO had expressed deep concerns in a formal letter to the Head of the Phytosanitary Police Station of the Autonomous Port of Kribi, questioning the unbridled circulation of tons of Butter Brand rice within the country.

The SDO’s disapproval was rooted in the perceived lack of scrutiny and authorization for the distribution of this particular rice brand, part of a larger cargo that totaled tons.

However, the authorities of the Kribi Port have defended the quality of the imported rice in a recent release.

“The General Manager of the Port Authority of Kribi, PAK, hereby informs the media and the general public that the operation completely complied with the various steps of the clearing and control procedures as provided for by the law,” a release from the PAK stated.

The release mentioned that the vessel Vega arrived from Nanjing, China, on November 12 carrying a shipment of 10,000 tonnes of Butter Brand rice for unloading at the Kribi Deep-sea Port on behalf of the company Avanti Cameroun.

This contradicts the SDO’s assertion that the rice from Nanjing, China, was deemed unfit for human consumption, allegedly withdrawn from the Democratic Republic of Congo in October due to reported deaths in Kinshasa linked to its consumption.

The Kribi Port maintained that thorough controls were conducted by the health police upon the vessel’s arrival.

“When the vessel berthed, the health police carried out two types of control: first, a visual inspection of the cargo, the seals, and other protection devices. The cargo was found to be free of all plant quarantine pests,” the Port’s release stated.

According to the port’s authorities, the results of these inspections indicated that the Butter Brand rice met hygienic standards and complied with regulations for food intended for human consumption.

The conflicting narratives between the Ocean SDO and the Kribi Port have sparked concerns among the public, prompting questions about the transparency and effectiveness of import control processes.

Source : mimimefoinfos
