THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The state government is readying moves to implement a distribution scheme tentatively titled ‘K-RICE’, which is intended as a befitting reply to central government's celebrated ‘BHARAT RICE’ scheme
Food Minister G. R. Anil has asked the Director of Civil Supplies, MD of Supplyco and Secretary of the Food Department to submit a report after preparing the outline of the scheme, all within one week
Bharat Rice sales in currently thriving in Kerala with people crowding in front of NCCF centres where the rice is distributed. In Thrissur alone, almost 150 sacks of Bharat Rice have been sold. Considering the ill effects this could bring to the party’s election campaigning, LDF has unanimously decided to bring an alternative to counter the BJP move.
It is now rumoured that Pachari (raw rice) is being sold as Bharat Rice through the touted scheme. The government have now decided to make the most of the rumour and has promised Andhra white rice (Jaya), Kerala’s indigenous Kuruva rice and Matta rice to be distributed through ‘K-RICE’. The Kerala government's K-Rice will reach the market at Rs 26/kg, which is a tad lower than the Bharat rice rates.
The food department had tested six samples of rice from Telangana. Negotiations are underway to buy two of these at a lower price. An agreement was reached to buy original Jaya rice from Andhra, but the plan never materialised due to a dispute in rates.
K. Rice Price 26-30 | Sales: Through Supplyco outlets
Pachari - Rs 26
Jaya – Rs 29
Kuruva, Matta – Rs 30
Only people with ration card ID can avail of the benefits of the K-RICE scheme.
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