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International Festival of Rice Industry: ‘Green Rice, for Life’

04 December 2023

(VAN) ‘Green Rice, for Life’ is the message of the International Festival of Vietnam Rice Industry expected to be delivered to the world as a responsible nation for the global food system.

Pride of Vietnamese rice

Rice farming is a traditional and crucial sector in Vietnam, providing livelihoods for millions of farmers nationwide. In recent years, Vietnam has achieved significant milestones in rice production, playing a vital role in ensuring national food security and maintaining its position as one of the world's leading rice-exporting countries.

Vietnam has achieved many great achievements in rice production, making an important contribution to ensuring national food security. Photo: TL.

To promote the development of high-quality rice production, enhance the value chain, and establish sustainable growth as the foundation, ensuring food safety and adapting to climate change in the Mekong Delta region, the Prime Minister has assigned the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, in collaboration with the People's Committee of Hau Giang Province, to organize the Vietnam International Rice Festival - Hau Giang 2023.

The International Festival of Vietnam Rice Industry- Hau Giang 2023 (scheduled from December 11-15, 2023, in Vi Thanh City, Hau Giang) presents an opportunity to showcase the potential, strengths, and quality of rice production, thereby stimulating national rice trade. Simultaneously, it serves as a platform for Vietnam to convey a message to the world about its responsibility for global food security.

The International Festival of Vietnam Rice Industry - Hau Giang 2023 opens up opportunities to introduce potential, production strengths, rice grain quality and create momentum to promote national rice trade. Photo: TL.

Activities at the Festival will provide opportunities for organizations, localities, businesses, and farmers to access new production knowledge, emerging technologies, scientific advancements, and modern techniques applied in the overall agricultural digital transformation and specifically in rice production. This will pave the way for solid and innovative strides in the Vietnamese rice industry, meeting the demands of international trends.

Notably, during this Festival, the Prime Minister will officially announce the approval of the “Sustainable Development Project of one million hectares specializing in high-quality, low-emission rice cultivation associated with green growth in the Mekong Delta until 2030”. This initiative aims to establish 1 million hectares of high-quality rice cultivation with low emissions, linked to the restructuring of the rice industry value chain. It involves implementing sustainable farming practices to increase the value and sustainable development of the rice industry, improve the efficiency of production and business, and enhance the income and livelihoods of rice farmers. Furthermore, the project aims to protect the environment, adapt to climate change, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and contribute to fulfilling Vietnam's international commitments.

Bustling series of events

Within the framework of the International Festival of Vietnam Rice Industry - Hau Giang 2023, a series of events are slated to take place including: 

The International Festival of Vietnam Rice Industry- Hau Giang 2023 opening ceremony: with the attendance of Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, is scheduled to take place at 8 p.m. on December 12, 2023 (Tuesday) at Hoa Binh Square, Ward V, Vi Thanh City, Hau Giang Province.

The Expo activities: will run from December 11 to December 15, 2023, featuring booths showcasing and presenting rice products, One Commune One Product (OCOP) items, culinary delights derived from rice, as well as the introduction of machinery, equipment, and technologies serving rice production.

Specifically, the exhibition will comprise booths such as the Economic and Social Achievements Exhibition Area, showcasing rice production in Hau Giang and various provinces and cities nationwide; the OCOP Exhibition Area representing various provinces and cities; the Rice Industry Value Chain Exhibition Area; and the Exhibition Area for enterprises within the rice industry.

At this Festival, the Prime Minister will officially announce the approval of the "Sustainable Development Project of one million hectares specializing in high-quality, low-emission rice cultivation associated with green growth in the Mekong Delta until 2030”. Photo: TL.

Festival activities: will also include the exhibition "The Path of Vietnamese Rice" from December 11, 2023, to January 3, 2024, located at the embankment of the Xang Xa No canal.

The exhibition is strategically arranged with layouts extending from Tran Hung Dao Street to the Xang Xa No Canal. The exhibits depict the evolutionary stages of rice cultivation in Vietnam, ranging from the primitive phases, subsistence farming, the industrialization era of agriculture, modern agriculture 4.0, to the recreation of the "onshore and offshore" processes of the people in the Southern region. At the end of the exhibition path, there is a rice map crafted from specialty rice from all 63 provinces and cities across the country, measuring 3m in width and 9m in height.

Performance activities: include demonstrations of machinery and equipment used in rice cultivation, displays of mechanized seeding technology, and models of cyclical agriculture using straw. Additionally, there will be demonstrations of smart rice cultivation models.

The release of the "Vietnam - The New Path of Rice" publication: aims to introduce and promote the achievements of the Vietnamese rice industry, outlining the journey of the Vietnam Rice Festival in elevating Vietnamese rice onto the international stage. This publication conveys a meaningful message about the role of the agricultural sector in general and the Vietnamese rice production sector in particular, emphasizing their contributions to the socio-economic development, and ensuring national and international food security.

Conferences and seminars will take place at the Hau Giang Province Conference Center during the International Festival of Vietnam Rice Industry- Hau Giang 2023:

- December 12, 2023 (afternoon): Policy Dialogue Seminar on Vietnam - Africa Relations, South-South Cooperation, and Support for the Transformation of the Food System, chaired by Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan and the Secretary of the Hau Giang Provincial Party Committee Nghiem Xuan Thanh.

- December 13, 2023 (morning): Conference on the Development of the Responsible and Sustainable Value Chain of Vietnamese Rice, led by Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Hoang Trung and the Chairman of the People's Committee of Hau Giang Province Dong Van Thanh.

- December 13, 2023 (morning): Seminar on the Global Rice Situation and Trends in the Near Future, moderated by Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Tran Thanh Nam and the leadership of the People's Committee of Hau Giang Province.

- December 13, 2023 (afternoon): Scientific and Technological Innovation Seminar in the Rice Industry, led by Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Phung Duc Tien and the leadership of the People's Committee of Hau Giang Province.

Gala Dinner: Scheduled for 7 p.m on December 13, 2023, with the participation of over 200 delegates from both domestic and international entities. The Gala Dinner will showcase the distinctive cultural, artistic, and culinary aspects of the Southern region and Vietnam. Additionally, cultural programs will be held every night throughout the Festival.

Closing Ceremony of the Festival: Set to take place at 7 p.m. on December 14, 2023, at Hoa Binh Square, Hau Giang Province, summarizing the activities of the event series.

Source : nongnghiep
